Worship is about bringing our faith and our doubts, our honest selves. It is about seeking God in the middle of life’s adventures, believing that God wants to be found. It is about finding companions on the journey of faith.

Sunday Worship

Our Sunday worship service is happening in person once again now that COVID restrictions have been lifting and as the congregation has felt comfortable to return to in person worship. To anyone who would like to join us, the service starts at 10:00am. You can find out more about what to expect during a Sunday service by clicking the link below.


Twice a year we run a short series (5 weeks) of evening housegroups where members and friends of the church can meet together informally. It’s a chance for us to get to know one another better, have a cuppa, develop friendships and reflect on our faith in the setting of a home rather than a church building. These gatherings are completely open. People are free to say whatever they think or just listen to others. All are welcome.

Rediscovering Faith

How can we believe in God when there is so much trouble around us? Can we take the Bible seriously without always taking it literally? Can a Christian group in Glasgow make a difference for good in our world? Is Jesus still relevant for the 21st Century? In our worship and life together we explore these questions and work out what it means to be Christians today. 

At Langside we invite you to ask all of these questions and more. If you are curious about Christianity or if you have been a life long follower of Christ who is experiencing doubt then we want you to know that your questions, uncertainties and doubt are welcome here. We invite you to speak with any of our elders or attend any of our events throughout the year exploring various topics and aspects of the Christian faith.

Worship Resources


In our worship we are aware of our need for reflection, meditation and contemplation. Learning contemplative practices and integrating them in to our lives can help us feel more connected to God, other people and the world around us. Contemplative practices enable us to foster a healthy and balanced emotional, mental and spiritual life. So whether you are interested in finding out more about Christian meditation, prayer labyrinths or other contemplative practices you can find more resources helping you get started on our worship resources page.


We recognise that our worship cannot be disconnected from the world in which we live and so we value active spiritual practices. This is where our worship extends beyond ourselves to our neighbours, the poor and the most vulnerable in society. We are passionate about fulfilling Jesus’ command to love our neighbours and God’s commandment to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. So whether you are exploring volunteering at a food bank as a form of worship or are looking to support those in your life through a difficult time find out more about active spiritual practices on our worship resources page.